Hoe werkt het

Transities zijn grote, ingrijpende veranderingen die soms onoverzichtelijk zijn en zich heel lastig laten voorspellen. Het team ‘Next City’ van de gemeente Rotterdam onderzoekt hoe deze onzekerheden een plaats kunnen krijgen in het werken aan transities in het fysieke domein.

Call for Architects

Rotterdam Architecture Month is where the power of architecture and design presents and renews itself in relation to urgent social issues. The month stimulates meetings and the exchange of knowledge between the design sector in Rotterdam and elsewhere, design education and the general public. To make RA Month locally, nationally and ultimately internationally significant, AIR invites architects and designers to become part of the programming by submitting proposals for the on-site partner programme and/or the festival heart.

Call for Educational Institutions

This year, Rotterdam Architecture Month (RA Month) is taking place from 20 May to 20 June. RA Month celebrates the city, highlights the quality and innovative power of architecture and explores the future. The month is a joint initiative by Rotterdam Festivals (RF), Rotterdam Partners (RP) and AIR and is organized in collaboration with various partners, the design sector in Rotterdam and elsewhere, and design education. The ambition for this edition is to have four complementary components that will take place online, offline and in hybrid form.

COVID-19: online and hybrid

Meeting others and exchanging knowledge are essential for a vital architectural climate, but the current COVID-19 situation makes strict demands on the way we can safely organize these encounters. When submitting a proposal, we ask you to think about the online or hybrid forms that the proposed programme could take. Consider, for example, an online bureau presentation or portfolio day, a virtual tour through a BIM model or an interactive workshop. In this way, RA Month can continue regardless of the coronavirus measures in place.

Another advantage of online or hybrid programming is of course that a larger and more diverse audience can participate in your programme during RA Month! For more inspiration, take a look at the website of the Stadmakerscongres, which took place from November 2020 to February 2021 in hybrid and online form. Many of the programme items can now be viewed again.